Great White
How can we save this species?
The Great White Shark has many names including; Jaws, white pointer, white death and it is scientifically known as Carcharodon Carcharias.  White Sharks, are the largest and most prevelant predatory fish in the ocean and can weigh up to 5000 pounds.  They develop in size until about 15 years and have a life span up to 30 years. These sharks are typically found in all major oceans off the costal surface. They survive in water temperatures ranging from 54-75 °F. You might identify a white shark by its white underside and grey dorsal (fin) side.  Oh, and did I forget to mention the enormous mouth lined with rows of serrated teeth? Being such an incredible predator, you may wonder how such a creature could be endangered. Join me next week to find out more about the endangerment of the great white shark.


2/11/2013 04:35:01 am

Hey Tiffanee. I really like your blog, it actually reminds me of mine. The Nemo pictures especially made me smile. So since were both doing blogs on large sharks I was thinking maybe I could set up a link to your blog on my page. When it comes time to guest blog maybe we could help each other out on topics like poaching, pollution, or conservation. Just a few ideas, let me know what you think. And again, good job on the blog.

2/11/2013 05:15:31 am

Hey I forgot to mention I did find this website for shark conservation it might be a useful depending on what topics you want to discuss.

2/11/2013 08:11:40 am


Wow, I already learned something new about Great White Sharks. I never knew they could live to be 30 years old. When I was in China, shark fin soup is very popular. I am always sad to think that people will order shark fin soup to impress me so now I always circulate a list of the items that I object to before I arrive on their campus. I explain to them that I have a ethical objection to shark fin soup and respectfully request that they do not serve it to me during my stay. They can save money and "face" because even though I know it is very yummy, I will not eat it.


2/14/2013 08:38:11 am

Tiffanee, I really like your Finding Nemo pictures in relation to the great white sharks. It really adds a different vibe and I think it will bring younger readers to your blog. I have a blog about polar bears that are also endangered and I am trying to keep it focused more on a younger demographic as well. I was doing some research and found that the National Museum of Natural History has some pretty good information that might help you with future blogs, or may be a good resource to connect other people to your blog. Their website is Good luck with your blogging adventures!

2/15/2013 12:26:44 am

Tiffanee, great looking blog and design. I am doing a blog on the Great Barrier Reef, if you would like to check it out, it is located at . As you probably know, the Reef is a natural habitat to the great white shark. I found a great article about the decline of the great white shark in the reef. One of the main reasons is overfishing and lack of food. Anyway it is located here - . Maybe in the future I could publish a post on your page or a link. I think that the sharks and the Barrier Reef have a lot in common. Hopefully we can further relate to each others topics. Thanks


2/15/2013 01:59:41 am

Tiffanee, great job with the site! I love how simple everything is to understand, and I had no idea that these sharks could live up to 30 years long. It is crazy to think that a fish as powerful and big as a great white shark could be endangered. Currently I'm writing about endangered species as well, and I'm going to blog about the sea turtle next. Since we both are blogging on endangered species in the ocean I'm sure we have people who are interested in my topic will be interested in yours, and vice versa. I think it could be a big help to post on your page or for you to post on mine. Also, I found an article that may help you in the future on your subject. Here's the link: Keep up the good work!

10/1/2013 10:01:06 pm

If you can dream it, you can do it.


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