Meet the Shark Warriors
Ecotourism is a great way for a person to be involved in a great cause.  The Shark Warriors Program is a wonderful organization that will allow you a chance to help the great white sharks. It is a volunteer, research, ecotourism opportunity in Mossel Bay South Africa. The ultimate goals of the program are education, public awareness, and advances in conservation efforts. 

Three principles that the shark warriors program promotes ecotourism include:

  • It should involve education among all parties- local communities, government, nongovernmental organizations, industry, and tourists.
  • Ensure that the long term benefits-to the resource, to the local community, and to industry (benefits may be conservation, scientific, social, or economic). 
  • It should provide first-hand, participatory, and enlightening experiences 

The company is owned by Craig Ferreira and Christo Kruger. Craig has conducted many research projects including some of the early research that involved his father Theo.  He also published two books on the Great White Shark.  Craig travels around the world to educate others about this species. The shark warriors program is partnered with one of the top white shark research organizations called Oceans Research. Oceans research also promotes education and offers classes for participants to work toward conservation efforts. As a participant in the program you will be involved first-hand in research and data collection. You will experience cage diving with the oceans greatest predator.  There are also opportunities for community education, environmental conservation, Oceans Research lectures and courses.  Entering the domain of the oceans greatest predator may sound pretty scary, but with a cage of steel, you should be safe...Hopefully!
 Find the Shark Warriors Program here

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